Fäst vid dig
försöker hålla någon slags distans till dig. intalar mig att "ikväll ska jag sova själv" och "nu ska jag hålla mig borta ett tag".
men det går inte..... cause i'm stuck on you baby. and it's the hunt i'm in love with, sad but true. but that's just you :) trying to escape, all the time, and i love it.
not like all the other guys
"oh hello gorgeus, wanna come to my house for a glass of wine?"
hell no!
psychological phenomenons, it's over our heads
isn't it fantastic?!
it's called "the law of magnetism", making the people with the biggest differences come together.
det är så ;)
men det går inte..... cause i'm stuck on you baby. and it's the hunt i'm in love with, sad but true. but that's just you :) trying to escape, all the time, and i love it.
not like all the other guys
"oh hello gorgeus, wanna come to my house for a glass of wine?"
hell no!
psychological phenomenons, it's over our heads
isn't it fantastic?!
it's called "the law of magnetism", making the people with the biggest differences come together.
det är så ;)